Tar Hut Records wrote:

> <<Jason Carter's solo discs were priced at $17. I'd have certainly given
> them $15 for the record, and fully intended to, but I couldn't find my
> wallet when it came to the extra $2, which seemed a little gouge-y to
> me. No offense- so I'm a piker. >>
> You have to wonder how much Rounder is charging them for the
> discs.......maybe the only way they can profit off it is to charge that
> much......

Yeah, maybe, but it makes their selling it after the show rather more a
service to fans without internet access than a moneymaking venture. Anytime
a band will sell me their record for $12 and/or a t-shirt for $10- relative
bargains I'll grant- I'll buy them. Otherwise, I'd better be awful darn
impressed, and in a generous/inspired mood. It *does* happen. <g>

No weasel swag here,

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