Jack says:

> I'd have to say that young Mr. McCoury (isn't he a recent IBMA
> mando guy of the year?) makes Steve -- and probably a lot of others
> who'd make greater claims for their playing than Steve ever would
> -- look pretty ham-fisted.

Ronnie's pretty well got a lock on that award, having won it back in October
for the 6th year in a row.  The last year the World of Bluegrass Trade Show
and Awards ceremony was held in Owensboro, he came down off the stage and
gave it to Mr. Monroe, which was a classy thing to do.

Kate said:

>I'll say this for The Del McCoury Band...someone yells for a request, and
>band IMMEDIATELY jumps into it (when they tour on their own).  At some
>shows/festivals, the entire night is made up of requests with new material
>thrown in to push the product.

Here's Del on the subject, from an interview conducted in January:

"Q:  You said that you get up on stage and do what comes to you.  Do you
think at all about how to balance out...you must get a lot of requests, but
yet you have a new album that you’re trying to get people interested in, and
especially when you’re going out to mixed audiences...

Del:  I’ll tell you, usually what we do when we get up there, before they
start hollering requests and get loosened up, you can do your new thing for
a while, maybe twenty or thirty minutes, then somebody’ll start requesting
and we’ll do that, but that way we get the new stuff in, I don’t know what
order it’ll come in..."

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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