KC Bill wrote;
> We (Jack Copeland, Nancy Copeland and Cathy Weigel) started out in the
>  back of the really packed (though not sold out) venue, so the sound had
>  to compete with the conversations around us, but this may have still
>  been the worst overall sound I've heard in ages.

      Crap...I went tonight here in StL.  It was horrid.  Miss. Nights, rock
venue.   People would not shut up.  I was halfway back or so, people would not
shut up.  I'm honestly gonna write a letter of apology to the McCourys and
Earle, it was that bad.  After the Buckner debacle last month I feel like a
broken record.   Hope if Kip or John or Jim Nelson or any other locals were
there you were up really close.  Steve tried to tactfully (well, tactfully for
Steve (g>) chide folks into maybe actually listening, but to no avail...

    I mean I felt like an asshole for even being there, and I apologize to all
the musicians on stage because what I could hear was great.

dan, pissed.  sorry for even throwing this one up here.....

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