In a message dated 3/31/1999 7:53:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> And I'll also dutifully report that Earle dedicated
>  "Copperhead Road" to the guy who ceaslessly hollered for it all evening
>  -- quote: "Here you go, asshole." Y'know, I can't in my wildest dreams
>  imagine Del McCoury ever doing anything even remotely like that. was real interesting to watch Steve cursing his head off as Del moved
further and further back into the darkness of the stage at The Vic, Chicago.
I'm surprised he lasts as long as he does when Steve is ranting about record
labels, the death penalty, the audience or other sordid issues.

I'll say this for The Del McCoury Band...someone yells for a request, and the
band IMMEDIATELY jumps into it (when they tour on their own).  At some
shows/festivals, the entire night is made up of requests with new material
thrown in to push the product.  Once again, solid lessons from the "Wanda
Jackson School of Entertainment" = they paid good money, we're gonna give 'em
what they want!

IMHO, Steve's approach is much more rigid and, in a way, less gratifying after
seeing Del and the boyz in action.


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