Lianne McNeil wrote:

> .Sorry Jeff, joking or not, you are just wrong about this.
> Reading all these anti-line dance rants reminds me of our parents
> (or grandparents, for some of you) who claimed that rock music was the
> devil's music.

Well, yah.  And they were RIGHT!

> You're sounding like a bunch of narrow-minded
> fuddy-duddies...

well maybe fuddy duddy.  Is that so wrong?!

> Republican, even.

Whoa!  That's over the line!  Although I would now like to take a lot unrelated 
incidents and weave a complex theory of the line dance conspiracy
foisted on an asleep public (WAKE UP, AMERICA!!!!!), and why it must be impeached.

> There are many forms of dance, and only a few of them involve cuddling
> with your partner or flirting.  Those who define dance as only being
> those dance forms that require a partner have a very limited (and
> ignorant) view of dancing. Line dancing is similar to Broadway
> choreography, but whether or not you dance on Broadway has no bearing
> on the goodness or "badness" of line dance.  It's also similar to ethnic folk dance. 
> I suppose you think that those guys dancing in "Fiddler on
> the Roof" aren't really dancing?!

Yes it is similar to ethnic folk dance.  In fact it *is* ethnic f*lk dance.  And to 
avoid irritating Jon W., I'll refrain from describing some of
the other mores of this particular ethnicity.

> If you don't see any individual expression/interpretation in line
> dancing then you need to get out more, or else need to start paying
> more attention. I'm sure there are some clubs where the dancers
> perform like robots.  But most dancers who have progressed beyond
> beginner's level tend to dance with "character."

This is true, although its pale pale pale (in the polyvalent sense) compared to a 
bunch a lit up oldsters doin a polka.  No matter how advanced they
become, the mechanisms still remind of something more appropriate for half-time at the 
big game vs. State U.

> >The truth about LineDancing
> ...Is that it became very popular with people who got tired of waiting
> for partners to ask them to dance.  (What a bunch of lamers, those
> "cowboys" bellied up to the bar!)

Now this is true!  And it's the real culprit.

remembering being the only--ONLY!--person (except for Nina) dancing in a roomful of 
hipsters and college students at a Derailers show.

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