On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, John confessed:

> Er, uh, I can attest to that. I went to a cajun dance a couple of weeks ago
> and  have never been so awkward at anything in my life. I kept thinking to
> myself "how the hell do I manage to play rhythm guitar in a band?" Cheryl
> picked it up in about 30 seconds.

I had relatively little trouble picking up Cajun dancing a few years ago,
though I got as good as I was ever going to get pretty quickly. (Which
wasn't bad, but wasn't good enough to keep me going, either.) I did have
trouble, however, when I tried to learn swing dancing some time later; the
upper body movements are much the same, but the lower body movements are
very different, and I kept slipping back into the old movements.

My three rules of Cajun dancing: keep bouncing; don't hold on too
tightly; and do what the person next to you is doing, but try not to look
like you're just copying.


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