<< Now, Mr. Weiss.  Jon knows, and a good number of us know, excatly what Mr.
 Riedie's hair looks like.  It was a Twangfest bonus last time around.  When
 you show up in St. Louis, as we all know you will, of course,  you will get
 to see Riedie's hair too.  Comes with the admission. >>

Unfortunately, this Weiss traveling to St. Louis is not looking bloody 
likely. Was just forced to buy a car (ah the joys of some fucking idiot 
making an illegal left and destroying me beloved, *paid off* Subaru wagon) 
and am about to plunk down several hundred bucks, maybe even four figures to 
get trees trimmed on the north 40 of the compound. (Ah, The joys of 
homeownership.) Plus, the big trip for me and my better half is to the UK 
later this year, and I ain't talking about a plce where Wildcats play round 
ball. In other words, there's only so much buckage to go around.

Boo hoo.

And to think I was getting pretty fired up about the concept of having my own 
badge, as CK said he would see to. I would have been the mack daddy... all 
that... for real...

Raise the roof.


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