At 08:48 AM 4/15/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> Unfortunately, this Weiss traveling to St. Louis is not looking
>> bloody likely. 
>Oh great. So when I am I going to collect for all the smack that Jeff 
>Wall mailed you from Saigon? I promised I'd collect. You bastard.
>> Plus, the big trip for me and my better half is to the UK later
>> this year, and I ain't talking about a plce where Wildcats play
>> round ball. In other words, there's only so much buckage to go
>> around. 
>Kentucky is much prettier than England this time of year, pally.

Let's have that post trip conversation for a second:

Neal: I just got back from England
Friend: Wow!


Neal: I just got back from Kentucky
Friend: Really?

you decide

>P.S. I guess that settles who the cooler Weiss bro is, hmm?
There is really no contest! Neal is the cooler bro. I'm happy hanging out
in the afternoon and getting to bed at a reasonable hour


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