Neal tells why he probably won't make it to Twangfest III:
> Unfortunately, this Weiss traveling to St. Louis is not looking bloody 
> likely. Was just forced to buy a car (ah the joys of some fucking idiot 
> making an illegal left and destroying me beloved, *paid off* Subaru wagon) 
> and am about to plunk down several hundred bucks, maybe even four figures to 
> get trees trimmed on the north 40 of the compound. (Ah, The joys of 
> homeownership.) Plus, the big trip for me and my better half is to the UK 

Don't be distressed. I'm not gonna be there either, so it's really not
worth going to this time around <g>. But what I really wanted to suggest is
get PG&E, or whoever turns on your lights, to trim the damn trees. And if
there aren't any power lines near 'em, go out on some dark night and move
the power lines closer to the trees. See, that's not hard. -- Terry Smith

np Danny Gatton's "Redneck Jazz." (I've got a third generation dub of this
record, so the sound's  not so hot, so I'm hoping I'll be excused for
being confused over whether Gatton's guitar actually sort of sounds like a
jazz organ, or whether he's got Jimmy Smith sitting in with him. I'm
assuming it's the former, which wouldn't make me a complete blinking idiot
for contemplating the latter.)

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