In a message dated 99-04-22 17:35:44 EDT, you write:

<< Yates opines:
 >Anyway, it's too bad the person who wrote
 >that essay spent so much time with the cartoon crowd down there -- he/she
 >must've missed James Hand, Justin Trevino, Don Walser, Paul Burch, Dale
 >Watson and all the other hardcore traditionalists types that played this
 Mark Rubin writes: 

Ah, but that's the point.
 Those artists aren't "alt." anything.
 They are country and western artists, period.
 Let's get that established once and for all.

well, what the hell is alt country then? The most reasonable definition I've 
been able to come up with is anything with country roots that Hot New Country 
stations won't get near, touch, play, mention, support, blah, blah, blah, 
which would include Walsner, Paul Burch, Dale Wartson, etc.

Elena Skye

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