Wildcat apologist Dave wrote:
>given most people's busy schedules and abundant entertainment
>choices, there's a good chance a lousy band (and it's not solely a
>matter of chops or a lack thereof) *would* turn them off to roots
>music for good. How many of us have gone back to a restaurant we
>hated the first time around?

But did that stop you from going to restaurants altogether?  I really doubt
that people go to see bands as representatives of a genre, as if the gig is
a trial for a style of music, especially one as loosely defined as
al.country.  Seems more likely that they'd just write off the particular
band -- it might not win them over, or get them to delve further into the
genre, but I doubt that they'd carry a bias against the genre based on one
of its practicioners...and if that's the only chance you get to introduce
them to the music, then shame on you for taking them to something that

Anyway, as I said, the real problem I have w/ your scenario above is when
some kind of *blame* is placed on the sucky band, like they're failing to
withhold the standards of the club  and thus ruining it for the rest of the
members.  That's the subtext of these discussions, I think.

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