Todd Larson wrote:

> Wildcat apologist Dave wrote:
> >
>  But
> >given most people's busy schedules and abundant entertainment
> >choices, there's a good chance a lousy band (and it's not solely a
> >matter of chops or a lack thereof) *would* turn them off to roots
> >music for good. How many of us have gone back to a restaurant we
> >hated the first time around?
> >
> Anyway, as I said, the real problem I have w/ your scenario above is when
> some kind of *blame* is placed on the sucky band, like they're failing to
> withhold the standards of the club  and thus ruining it for the rest of the
> members.  That's the subtext of these discussions, I think.

This thread is some ways laughable.  If I were to judge all "" bands
by the live show I saw of Son Volt, I'd never listen to another piece of music
from that genre.  That hasn't happened and its been a few years since that
horrid fiasco.  I've also sat through some absolutely hideous rock and folk
shows and I still go back to see more in these genres.

It is also largely a matter of taste when it comes to music.  What turns
someone off may be more than ok in someone elses eyes.  I, for one, like
Moonshine Willy's last couple of releases and others that someone raves about I
can't stand.  That's just the way it is.  Music is chancy as is all art.  There
will always be "good" stuff to hear along with a lot more bad, and mostly very
much more that is mediocre material.  And given that some of the tuly bad can
be much more interesting than the mediocre.


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