Terry Carmen schrieb:
> Robert Schetterer wrote:
>> thx mouss for your qualified info, but this appeared just this morning,
>> and i hadnt include
>> their error because they have plenty of servers which give different
>> error codes ( which make no sense at all )
>> at all they give no usefull information, i checked the log on one
>> of my mailservers ,and only ten mails to yahoo were delivered
>> during last night, so it cant be a traffic limiting, after all i slowed
>> down deliver rate to yahoo since years allready
> AFAIK, it only takes a couple of "bad" messages to get on Yahoo's list.
> You'll need to follow the link in their reject message in your maillog
> and contact them if the problem continues.
> Terry
normally i would , but not if you have 10 mailserver with hunderts of
domains where the same error occurs at the the same time
i speculate they tried some new stuff on their servers

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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