Jeff Weinberger a écrit :
> It's definitely my set up. I don't use LMTP to pass the message to
> dspam, I use a transport called "dspam" that uses pipe. That means
> there's no S/LMTP dialog, just the message itself passed as STDIN.

so _you_ are not passing the envelope sender to dspam.

Consider running dspam in "relay mode":
        postfix --(LMTP)--> dspam --(SMTP)--> postfix

> I have to move dspam to use LMTP and then move it to a before-queue

why do you want to run it in pre-queue mode? This is not needed and is
not simple to setup.

> content filter so that this workaround becomes unnecessary, but until I
> go to make those changes, this will suffice.
> I'm not completely convinced that dspam will work seamlessly as a
> before-queue content filter, so I'll have to do some testing to see how
> well that works and whether it can do what I need and hand fully formed
> messages with SMTP dialog information back to postfix.

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