> Hello,
> I've been trying to setup postfix with tls and smtp auth (dovecot sasl).
> I'm now stuck with the smtp auth part, with a strange error. For a few
> days I've tried to search information about similar problems, but found
> none. Now I'm hoping somebody here could help me out. I'm running Ubuntu
> Jaunty on AMD64.
> I've disabled tls (and a lot of other options, and not running in a
> chroot jail) for now. The problem is, that as soon as I enable smtp auth
> in postfix (smtpd_sasl_auth_enable), smtp stops working. When doing
> bash:# telnet localhost 25
> Trying ::1...


I'm guessing that something in the mix isn't properly configured for IPv6.

I's probably configurable, but unless you really need IPv6, I'd suggest just
disabling IPv6 in your network stack, commenting out any IPv6 references in
Postfix and trying again.


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