On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 11:24 +0200, Thomas Gelf wrote:
> Clunk Werclick wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 13:50 +1000, Barney Desmond wrote:
> >> You need to ask yourself if this is a real problem, or something
> >> you're just imagining. Mysql generally works fine, 50,000 messages a
> >> day at 12 queries each, equates to several queries per second. This is
> >> an "easy" load. 
> > That is a comfort to know. My main concern was this hammering was not
> > optimal, but it is welcome to make as many queries as it likes if it
> > does not crash the database server. Perhaps Postgresql would be a bit
> > more manly ? but slower ?
> You'll probably not note a difference. I guess MySQL will allow you to
> connnect() faster if using a local socket. However you should always use
> proxy_read_maps - so connect()-times are not so relevant.
> I gave a quick look at the server statistics of our MySQL instance
> providing Postix and Amavis config (not used as Amavis storage etc, its
> only purpose is providing "configuration"): DB uptime 250 days with an
> average of 300 queries per second (our reports are showing peeks of
> slightly more than 6 million delivery attempts a day).
That is very reassuring Thomas, thank you. 

Now I don't know if I should stay with SQL or drop to maps ? It is
easier to configure with SQL from a web based front end - but to get SQL
to dump to flat files and Postmap is also only a few Perl lines. What is
a fool to do ? :-#

> We are using multiple servers, but that's mostly as of disaster recovery
> and failover reasons - you could handle similar traffic also on a single
> host (using recent server hardware).
> A certain percentage of queries could of course be avoided if Postfix
> where optimized for DB usage. As we know it isn't - this design choice
> however keeps it flexible and simple.
> Best regards,
> Thomas Gelf

C Werclick .Lot
Technical incompetent
Loyal Order Of The Teapot.

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