On Sun, Jan 03, 2010 at 08:23:50PM +0000, Mark Goodge wrote:
> richard lucassen wrote:
>> On Sun, 03 Jan 2010 19:57:41 +0000
>> Mark Goodge <m...@good-stuff.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> I want to send once a week a simple mail to a list of 3000
>>>> recipients. I can set smtpd_recipient_limit and
>>>> smtpd_recipient_overshoot_limit to higher limits, but is there a
>>>> better way to handle this?
>>> Yes. Install a proper mailing list management system, such as Mailman
>>> or  majordomo. 3000 recipients is waaaaaaay too many to do in a single
>>> shot  using Bcc.
>> Ok, but a mlm is quite some overkill IMHO, just wondering if there was
>> an intermediate solution. This is for a blind person who handles the
>> "mailinglist" himself, so solutions are rather limited.
>> But anyway, I can always write a small shell script that does the job.
>> Should not be a very big problem.
> Your biggest problem, with that number of recipients, is handling bounces 
> and unsubscriptions. Splitting the recipients into chunks is easy enough, 
> but dealing with all the invalid and/or expired addresses is what makes it 
> more complex. And if you don't handle them correctly, then you're getting 
> into dangerous territory - that's where legitimate lists start being 
> treated as spam, especially if any of the recipients have addresses with 
> the major webmail operators such as Hotmail and Yahoo.
> Most decent MLMs allow you to import subscribers from a simple text list, 
> so from a user point of view it's no harder (and often easier) than 
> maintaining it in the addressbook of an email client for Bcc purposes. It's 
> more complex for the administrator, but if you're competent enough to 
> administer Postfix then it's hardly likely to be a problem for you!
> Mark

I will second that using a real MLM is usually a much, much better option
that will allow you to prevent collateral damage to your mail reputation
when there is a delivery problem. For example, when using the aliases
option, you should only allow the one address/user to send mail to the
alias or you open up an avenue for spammers to abuse your system.


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