On 18 November 2015 at 16:18, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> This ends with:
>     Nov 18 10:28:52 mailserver postfix/smtpd[31664]: < unknown[]:
> RCPT TO:<test-2cb1eaec-bcba-4cc2-b76e-974bf87b2...@mailinator.com>
>     ...
>     Nov 18 10:28:52 mailserver postfix/smtpd[31664]: > unknown[]:
> 250 2.1.5 Ok
>     ...
>     Nov 18 10:28:52 mailserver postfix/smtpd[31664]: smtp_get: EOF
>     Nov 18 10:28:52 mailserver postfix/smtpd[31664]: lost connection after
> RCPT from unknown[]
> Something broke the SMTP connection after Postfix replied with "250
> 2.1.5 Ok".  I suspect that you have some spambot detection system
> that interferes with SMTP.
> > [4] TCP stream decoded acket capture of above session
> > http://pastebin.centos.org/36261/
> This ends with:
>     RCPT TO:<test-2cb1eaec-bcba-4cc2-b76e-974bf87b2...@mailinator.com>
>     250 2.1.5 Ok
>     RCPT TO:<test-5f6f7a2d-d5f8-402e-8314-f6ef3dc46...@mailinator.com>

Note that the last RCPT TO command was not delivered to Postfix. I
> therefore suspect that you have some anti-malware system that breaks
> connections when a client sends suspicious email.
> I checked the hardware firewall config, which does have a threat detection
& shunning capability but nothing was popping up in the logs during the
session.  I've placed a test client on the same network LAN as the Postfix
server and repeated the test with the same result.

My next step was, using a console telnet client, to repeat the commands
sent by the client in the packet trace (http://pastebin.centos.org/36261/)
by literally pasting from one putty client to another.  I thought that at
human-speeds this may alleviate any time-critical internal funtionality
that Wieste mentioned, copied below. [1]

As soon as I get the 100th RCPT TO, bam, the connection drops out:

Nov 20 16:08:04 mailserver postfix/smtpd[2254]: timeout after RCPT from
Nov 20 16:08:04 mailserver postfix/smtpd[2254]: disconnect from

I know that ClamAV exists on the server but I'm not sure it's involved
scanning email, wouldn't this be configured in main.cf?


[1] Wieste's comment.
    Perhaps you're sending invalid recipients and triggering error
    delays.  Or you have a slow virtual alias table lookup table
    (SQL, ...) and by the 100th recipient the pipeline between
    smtpd(8) and cleanup(8) stalls because cleanup recipient
    rewriting is not keeping up. ...

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