> On 6/29/16 2:30 PM, Michael J Wise wrote:
>>> I will read up on it.  Thank you for the link.
>>> Not everyone, I think, who visits this list is an engineer.
>> In that you are mistaken.
>> Almost everyone who subscribes to this mailing-list is an engineer.
>> Please re-read that line.
>> This mailing list is for people who need to configure or make changes to
>> the configuration of a Mail Transfer Agent called Postfix.
>> Some people here actually suggest software changes, since the author of
>> the system is present on the list.
>> Pretty much everyone here is an engineer.
> I could be wrong, but I expect that many of the folks here are NOT
> engineers.

I guess it depends on one's definition of, "Engineer".
It can cover a lot of ground.

> Having said that, it seems not unreasonable for folks on this list to
> have a working familiarity with the standards and software associated
> with email processing.  Managing a postfix installation (or any MTA) is
> not a job for amateurs.  (IMHO)

In that I would completely agree, even though with respect to my use of
Postfix, it probably would qualify as, "Amateur" since I don't use it for

But with respect to the handling of mail for ... Others ... in that, it is
my profession. And I'm particularly interested in problems that other mail
servers may experience with relation to certain other mail server

> AND NOW I'M CURIOUS... What kinds of backgrounds and roles do people
> here have?  Is managing a postfix installation part of your official
> duties, or something that you've fallen into?

It used to be what I did up until 8+ years ago.
Nowadays I fight spam for a certain large corporation, and keep my hand in
here as one of many early warning signs of trouble.

Aloha mai Nai`a.
" So this is how Liberty dies ...          http://kapu.net/~mjwise/
" To Thunderous Applause.

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