john harvey wrote:
>> Their main job was anything but being military. That was a  
>> secondary or even
>> tertiary duty. They weren't just there to fight foreign armies, but  
>> to be
>> ready to fight tyranny, from within or without.
> //    Everything from that period that I've read drew a distinct line  
> //between militias and standing armies. Militias were not used for wars  
> //against other countries; they were used for domestic problems.
> We didn't have an army at that time, because we weren't a sovereign country.
> We were under British rule and their army was here. Our militia was formed
> to fight whatever it needed to fight. (Sounds like we're saying the same
> thing as we circle the issue)<G>

That would be something like the Iraqi's militia fighting a foreign
army? Or a middle east militia is considered 'savage' instead of
Of course you might answer they are savages because they kill each other
too. But.... let me see.... didn't you have a civil war? Whom were you
killing then, Dutch?

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