On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Matt Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Paul McNett wrote:
> > I'm not comfortable with it either. If they decide to put their stuff on
> > a public server, that's one thing. But I will recommend against it
> > almost every time.
> >
> > It isn't that I'm paranoid that Google will turn evil (I am, though). It
> > is that by storing valuable data offsite like that, especially on such a
> > high-profile place, the risk of data theft or hacking where I am not in
> > control is too great. Google employs a lot of highly intelligent people.
> > Highly intelligent people have a way of pulling of highly intricate
> > crimes, and it just takes one bad apple.
> >
> > Paul
> I'll be the FIRST to admit I'm paranoid.... Remember way back when we
> were all learning the rules of the net - "Thou shalt not put anything
> anywhere on the net that you wouldn't want seen on a public bulletin
> board driving down the freeway". I still feel the same way (tho I slip
> up from time to time)...
> I only use GMail for my personal stuff. My gripe w/ GMail is they
> archive/scan the content of your emails so they can tailor advertising
> to you. Hey - it's a free service so I expect them to get something out
> of my using it, but that doesn't mean I like it. But then again, if the
> world wants to know I like to dress up as a Leprechaun and sing the aria
> from Madam Butterfly, I guess they're welcome to that info....
> ---------------------------------------------

Funny is reading this in gMail and seeing all the ads on right about bikes
for sale as well as rackspace and Opera tickets.

Just kidding about the tickets.

> --
> Matthew S. Jarvis
> IT Manager, MCP
> Bike Friday - "Performance That Packs!"
> www.bikefriday.com
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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