Hi Jan!

On 27 Mar 2014, at 16:02, Jan Åge Lavik <jan.age.la...@cern.ch> wrote:
> With the None approach, it fear it can get confusing when iterating over all 
> authors (or whatever other field) as one then get None into the mix. If one 
> really wants to get the first author, maybe calling "first_author" (where 
> "first_author" is a direct lookup to "_first_author") is enough and then 
> expecting a None or empty list is alright? I dunno, it seems to me that when 
> asking for "give me all the authors", None does not belong there with "John 
> Ellis".

I understand (and share) your opinion, currently in the templates we are just 
iterating over the full list of authors and maybe we should start using the 
other keys. 
Lets see what the others think about this, although this is something that each 
Invenio instance should do with their data model definition.

Esteban J. G. Gabancho

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