On Thu, 27 Mar 2014, Wagner, Alexander wrote:
> In some areas of research author ordering can cause sort of religious
> wars. And I may also add that depending on the area of research, the
> question "I want all my papers, but only those where I am the first
> author" is /very/ common. Up to the notion "my papers" == only those
> where I am the first author == only those count at all.

Yes, this use case is very important; however in case 100 is missing
because of some mistake, then the first author from 700 would "take its
role" until the problem is spotted by the record checked and fixed by
the cataloguer.  Seems OK to me; otherwise there would be no "first
author" at all, only "additional authors", which is illogical.

(And if there is indeed no first author, then people should be probably
using "corporate author" concept, i.e. 110 and such.)

Best regards
Tibor Simko

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