Hi Lars!

Be careful with this general simplified notion.

In some areas of research author ordering can cause sort of religious wars. And 
I may also add that depending on the area of research, the question "I want all 
my papers, but only those where I am the first author" is /very/ common. Up to 
the notion "my papers" == only those where I am the first author == only those 
count at all.

So, a destinction of 1xx/7xx (of course Ferran is right about the other fields) 
is really important as is the ordering field $b.

Kind regards,

Alexander Wagner

Subject Specialist
Central Library
52425 Juelich

mail : a.wag...@fz-juelich.de
phone: +49 2461 61-1586
Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103

----- Reply message -----
From: "Lars Holm Nielsen" <lars.holm.niel...@cern.ch>
Date: Thu, Mar 27, 2014 17:08
Subject: [pu jsonalchemy] Aggregation of several fields into now
To: "Esteban Gabancho" <esteban.jose.garcia.gaban...@cern.ch>
Cc: "project-invenio-devel (Invenio developers mailing-list)" 

On 27.03.2014 15:38, Esteban Gabancho wrote:
> Hey guys!
> I have a question about the aggregation of several fields into one.
> Taking the example of the authors, lets say I have two fields `_first_author` 
> and `_additional_authors` and I want to aggregate then into `authors`.
> The common case, and the easiest, is when I have one `_first_author` and cero 
> or more `_additional_authors`, in which case I just put a list with the 
> authors (what else right? :-)
> The problem, or the question, comes when I don’t have a `_first_author` in 
> which case I’m not sure about the content of the `authors` field, it could be 
> i) only the list of `_additional_authors` or ii) `None` follow by the the 
> list of `_additional_authors`.
> I think the second solution is the closest one to reality, the `None` express 
> that the record doesn’t have a first author. And I also think that we could 
> apply this solution for other cases where we have this kind of situation 
> (like with the `110__` and `710__`).

In Zenodo i'm just interested in the list of authors, and the first in
the list is by definition the first author. The first author/additional
authors are somehow an artifact of having to store in MARC as master
format. I'm not sure what we would be the most appropriate solution.


> What do you think?
> Lars, as you have already pu in production, how do you deal with this problem?
> Cheers,
> --
> Esteban J. G. Gabancho

Lars Holm Nielsen
CERN, IT Department, Collaboration & Information Services
http://zenodo.org | Tel: +41 22 76 79182 | Cel: +41 76 672 8927

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