Hello Alexander, Esteban et al,

Alexander Wagner <a.wag...@fz-juelich.de> wrote:
> On 27.03.2014 15:38, Esteban Gabancho wrote:
>> I think the second solution is the closest one to reality, the `None`
>> express that the record doesn’t have a first author. And I also think
>> that we could apply this solution for other cases where we have this
>> kind of situation (like with the `110__` and `710__`).
>> What do you think?
> If I may: as a librarian you have a 100. You may not have a 700, but
> in case you have only one author it is 100 by definition.

[to the non librarians in the crowd; Alexander knows it already]

Or a 110, or a 111, I'd like to remind.  An author is not only a 100
(personal author), but it may be a corporate one (110) or a conference
(111).  And please, don't forget that any of those tags may have
arbitrary values as indicators.

Best regards,


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