Hello Esteban,

>> So, the easiest solution accept any indicator in any tag.  I may be
>> some exception somewhere in some tag, but accepting any indicator is
>> *much* better than only accepting __.
> We are ready to use fields in the form 100**, although I rather prefer
> listing all the valid possibilities that each installation might have,

Personally, I think that isting all valid possibilities for all tags for
all installation is worthless.  There are just too many of them.  Just
consider all valid.  It is much easier and good enough.

> for example the Invenio demo site has only 100__, but we can think
> about having 1001_ and 1002_. I can provide an example of how this
> should be done inside BibField/JSONAlchemy if you want.

I don't care much about the implementation as I do that Marc21 should be
*the* final word.  We discussed it at length at Jülich.

> The problem is that so far we don’t have any demo record to test this
> situation, perhaps we should create a ticket to avoid forgetting about
> this topic.  As you mentioned this possible issue, I guess because you

You are right about that.  My fault.  Another thing in my too-long

> were/are/will be dealing with it, it would be really nice if you could

I've patched my Invenios here and there, mostly changing thing like
bfo.field('245__a') for bfo.field('245%%a') and the like.  The same for
logical fields, output formats, input templates, etc.  It is not
difficult, but I don't know how to send those patches upstream, due to
the initial demo-database dump and the test cases.

So, Invenio is perfectly able to cover 95% (or more) of the cases, just
taking any indicator as valid in any field.  Those movement you are
doing towards JSON makes some us quite scary if it takes the semantics
out of Marc21.

> provide us with some sort of demo record, for example we have several
> records inside the poetry collection just for testing the unicode
> support, we could also add some catalan poetry there to test that the
> indicators are well managed :)

Rather than a single poetry example, I think that is much realistic to
take any Marc21 library catalog dump at several sites, archive.org, for


... and many other sites around the Internet, like any subset of Jülich
or UAB Invenios, specially the non-articles ones, like old books or
journals, maps, graphic material, etc..  Invenio should recognize those
Marc21 records and do something valid with them.

Best regards,


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