Hi Sam!

On 27 Mar 2014, at 20:06, Samuele Kaplun 
<samuele.kap...@cern.ch<mailto:samuele.kap...@cern.ch>> wrote:

Additionally, as Lars mentioned, isn't the first author concept already 
captured by taking the first author in the authors list? Bibfield preserve 
field ordering so it's not really necessary to enforce a difference between 
first and the other until the moment when the data are imported/exported to 
MARC... Isn't it?

You are right in a way, whenever we create the JSON, we don’t care about the 
distinction about first author and additional authors because this is done by 
the ordered list authors.
This distinction is an artefact that we made to allow the one to one lossless 
mapping, MARC to JSON to MARC.

Esteban J. G. Gabancho

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