Hi drew, *,

drew schrieb:
>On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 01:38 +0200, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
>> drew schrieb:


>> If it saves time to you: Just send the URL and I fetch it all.
>> Probably less work to delete the unwanted afterwards?

>OK - well for the dictionaries I need this directory:

recursive directory-download doesn't work.

wget -r  http://libreoffice-na.us/English/add-on-dictionaries-large-list
Connecting to libreoffice-na.us||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2011-06-30 02:35:24 ERROR 403: Forbidden.)

Need either a list of files, a html where the files are linked or
indexes enabled by .htaccess which would contain a line:
Options +Indexes

>I can rename/move the directory later, sure.

>For the larger individual files they will move into new locations - it
>won't take me long to give you a to-from mapping - there is IIRC less
>then 10 of these. Will put that together in just a little bit and send
>it along.


>Thanks again,

my pleasure :o))

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