2009/10/27 Antón Méixome <cert...@certima.net>:
> "Out of the box" is an expression that describes nonconformal,
> creative thinking. The term is used as an adverb to describe the
> thinking or as an adjective to describe the ideas. The term is said to
> derive from a famous puzzle created by early 20th century British
> mathematician Henry Ernest Dudeney, in which someone is asked to
> interconnect nine dots in a three-by-three grid by using four straight
> lines drawn without the pencil leaving the paper. In order to be
> successful, the puzzle solver has to realize that the boundries of the
> dot array are psychological. The only way to solve the puzzle is to
> extend the lines beyond the artificial boundry created by the nine
> dots.
> Esa parece ser a orixe, así que a tradución deberá adaptarse ao caso.
> Basicamente hai dous valores
> Recollendo valores que se encontran por aí
> A) "fóra do habitual"
> - sobradamente
> - sorprendentemente
> - fóra do común
> - inmediatamente
> - orixinal, dinámico, ceativo, innovador


> B) "totalmente preparado"
> - listo para usar
> - instantáneo
> - automatico
> - listo para funcionar
> - de fábrica
> ...

Con este significado é co que se ve normalmente na localización,
segundo a miña experiencia.

> Por certo, en inglés é argot e débese escribir sempre out-of-the-box

Creo que o vin máis veces sen guións que con eles...

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