Hello again.

Is there a list of planned features for the finished module?
Specifically, I'm thinking of joint restrictions on rotation, as an example

joint.restriction = 10, 349 # joint can only rotate between 10 and 349 
                            # degrees.
joint.restriction = -10, 10 # joint can only rotate between 350 (-10) and 10
                            # degrees.

It would also be really sweet if one could apply a target angle and applied 
force to reach that target angle, that way you could simulate things 

joint.target_angle = (90, 2.0) # whenever the joint is rotated away from 90 
                               # degrees angle, apply 2.0 force in the 
                               # correct direction to work it's way towards 
                               # 90 degrees.
joint.target_angle = (0, inf)  # unbendable, joint stuck at 0 degrees.

Maybe there's a better way to achieve this? Anyway, if something like this 
is implemented it will be very easy to make ragdolls, springs, etc.


On 2008-06-19 (Thu) 12:17, 帆 张 wrote:
> Hi ,
>   Thank you very much, I'd like to see your advices and get help from you. I 
> also want to tell the difference between chipmunk(and Pymunk) and this 
> project,  this one is not separated with python, all of its basic data 
> structures are based on python data structures, which means it can be 
> integrated in python seamlessly . Also some classes are targeted to integrate 
> physics updating and pygame sprite rendering, which means user can write 
> their physics games more easily.
>   API defines and my working progress are on my yahoo blog: 
> http://i.cn.yahoo.com/zhangfanfox/blog/ , and current working code is on a 
> branch of pygame svn: svn://seul.org/svn/pygame/branches/physics 
>   Best wishes
>   Zhang Fan
> Peter Gebauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道:
>   Hi!
> I read Zhang Fan's post regarding his gsoc project, I've been looking to do 
> something similar, a Python extension for an already existing library.
> So far I've extended Chipmunk partially over a few days of prototyping, but 
> there's no point in having two projects doing the same thing, I'd like to 
> know a bit bout the plans of the physics module for PyGame. (if you're 
> reading this, Zhang)
> I could also help out with some testing/patching for the C Python stuff.
> /Peter
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