On, Thu Jun 19, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:

> Hello!
> Yes, I've been looking continously at your source codes, I saw you were 
> getting your Python C structs together yesterday, nice. My first advice 
> would be this: all types/classes must start with capital case letter. I saw 
> in your documentation that your prototype API used lowercase, I think we 
> should try sticking with the Python style guide 
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ which is sort of how PyGame looks 
> too, i.e CamelCase for types and function_underscore_rule for functions and 
> methods, hehe. Just a small thing, but it's easier to change now than later.

That's already discussed and agreed upon.

The current plan is to make a standalone module first and - once
anything turns out to be stable enough - merge it back into the main
tree later on, so it surely fits your purpose for a standalone module
perfectly well.

One side note: The code uses Python 2.5 specific features (such as
Py_ssize_t). Compatibility for 2.4 is currently not planned, but instead
will be provided on merging with pygame's main tree.


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