On 21Jul2022 13:25, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephenjturnb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Cameron Simpson writes:
> > Discourse does not do `In-Reply-To:` very well at all. Here's some
> > headers from the _second_ post in the "Core dev sprint this year"
> > thread:
> >
> >     Message-ID: 
> > <topic/17208/60568.898edf234f56cf6f3a661...@discuss.python.org>
> >     In-Reply-To: <topic/17...@discuss.python.org>
> >     References: <topic/17...@discuss.python.org>
>I'm tempted to write something uncivil, but instead I'm gonna go hug a
>puppy and weep.
> > So at present Discourse's email implementation is buggy. I need to
> > submit a bug report.
>Thank you!

Bug report:


>You may find it useful to cite RFC 5322, section 3.6.4, and emphasize
>"unique" while mentioning the algorithm for populating References and
>In-Reply-To presented there.

I've pointed them at it. I didn't belabor the id generation since their 
ids seem ok. It's the referencing header which are broken.

> > _However_, someone participating in "email mode" will of course send 
> > a
> > message with its own distinct message-id from their source system, and
> > that does not survive the email->discourse->email-out process. [...]
> > I don't expect that to change.
>That's just plain obnoxious.  Anybody who's in the CCs who
>participates in "email mode" will get (practically speaking)
>unfilterable duplicates, and (if there is offline discussion) a bogus
>new thread.

Well, I think a number of mailing lists startyed do this to support DKIM 
or DMARC or something, otherwise their message would amount to a forgery 
if what they received. Never dug into it much. It's annoying, but not 
nearly as annoying as broken threading.

>I wonder if this goes all the way through to the backend database (ie,
> the only id a message gets are its thread id, a timestamp, and some
>way to ensure a total order in the case of equal timestamps), and the
>only place in Discourse where the unique Message-ID appears is in the
>outgoing message.  In that case getting any sanity in Discourse email
>could be very expensive for Discourse.

Personally I don't care how "expensive" it is. The email mode is, to me, 
a _major_ feature of Discourse. I'm sure I'm not alone is hating forums 
which require me to go to them (or, equally bad, send some kind of 
summary of new things - I'm looking at you, Google Groups). That 
Discourse does quite a good job of letting people participate via the 
forum or email is very welcome. But it has to be done correctly.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
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