Op Mon, 21 Jan 2013 00:38:37 +0100 schreef John <j...@sinoda.demon.co.uk>:

On 20/01/13 21:30:22, John wrote:

I can also confirm that is does actually run on a 256MB Raspberry Pi,
although very slow (19 seconds to draw the puzzle).

I tried to run SMSQmulator on my 2Ghz, single CPU laptop, under M$Vista.
It started up first time and has not crashed, great so far.

But I find it VERY slow, much slower than a standard QL, even QPC1 on my i486/25Mhz laptop is faster. It's so slow you can see lines being drawn and paper filling by line of the startup windows, with pauses, despite the 100% processor speed.

I run the Java 7 version. According to my Configuration\Programs list I have both 6 (upd 5) and 7 (Upd 9) on my system. Can that be a problem?

I used QPC2 to create a QXL.win boot file but when I started SMSQmulator, QPC2 came to a complete standstill.
So I removed that, and started it again.
It ran the boot sequence but that took some 20 minutes (10 secs on QPC2).
For brief moments I can see the mouse movement but it goes in slomo after a few seconds and the pointer is then gone for about 10 seconds after each move.

Any suggestions?


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