On  Sat, 19 Jan 2002 at 09:30:38,  Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:

>Hi Bill, of course I am not Fabrizio (hehe) but I think I have an
>answer for you...
>I have seen only ONCE an ISA card with TWO IDE channels on it and that
>was A LONG-LONG-LONG-LONG time ago. That was a special item too as it
>had 16 Megs of Cache on it (really interesting).
>Apart from that, the way I see it, the easiest thing for you would be
>to install a nice ISA riser card with another 3-5 ports on it and be on
>the safe side... (Your case must support it)
You will also need FIFO on the serial ports.
.... and don't forget that the IRQ jumper on parallel needs to be

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