"Phoebes R. Dokos" wrote:
> At 02:09 μμ 19/1/2002 +0000, you wrote:
> >Fabrizio Diversi wrote:
> > >
> > > Duncan,
> > > yes it is really a good product, it work perfectly
> > > also on my q40 (just the time to test it).
> > > I tested it on my system with the two unit , cdrom
> > > reader on ide controller 1 and the cd-writer on ide
> > > controller 2 .
> > > I recently add a second ide controller so now i can
> > > fully use 4 ide unit (2 cdrom, 1 hd and the new cf
> > > adapter) not only but also the 4 ser works perfetly!
> >
> >Hi Fabrizio
> >I am a few Q40 IDE drives behind you but trying to catch up, I need to
> >have three IDE drives HD1, CD and CF, and  HD2 ( in Caddy ) would be
> >nice
> >How have you managed to get four, Peter suggested I need to add another
> >I/O card but I would like to leave a slot free if possible and wondered
> >if there are I/O cards with both Primary and Secondary IDE on them.
> >Would you care to share your setup info with the rest of us?
> >Enquiring minds need to know.
> Hi Bill, of course I am not Fabrizio (hehe) but I think I have an answer
> for you...
> I have seen only ONCE an ISA card with TWO IDE channels on it and that was
> A LONG-LONG-LONG-LONG time ago. That was a special item too as it had 16
> Megs of Cache on it (really interesting).
> Apart from that, the way I see it, the easiest thing for you would be to
> install a nice ISA riser card with another 3-5 ports on it and be on the
> safe side... (Your case must support it)
> Phoebus
> >All the best - Bill

Thanks Phoebus and everyone  who helped
I think I have one of these riser things at least I have a gadget that
plugs into an ISA slot and produces two unfortunately it turns them
through 90 degrees, it might work with a few cables  but for the time
being I am going to use two cards.
Peter reckons he can get me a card ready to plug in that will work.
I got a CD-RW drive for the PC yesterday at reasonably cost so the old
CD can go into my Q40 and then I can get round to bringing the Q40 up to
date as I have lots of stuff downloaded onto the PC that I need to
install ( cd drivers, last lot of Prowes, QCDEZE and lots more )

All the best - Bill

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