> > Software in the QL community has a much longer life than the
> >world, where using a program 2 years out-of-date is considered a
In my experience, the PC scene changes so radically in 2 years (not
always for the better) that software stands little chance of still
working 2 years on.

Whereas change on the QL scene is more leisurely. Provided the author
is still QLing or the sources are available it ain't long before
anything out of date is updated if you ask nicely. The other thing I
like about the QL is that the software generally does what you want of
it and you are not swimming in overkill features you are unlikely to
need and never get updated because nobody uses them enough to find
they no longer work on this year's OS flavour!

> I very much like JH programs - qtpi and qfax.  QFAX in particular
> works.  I have used it 24hrs for longer than I care to recall, and
> not had one problem due to QFAX itself.
Yes, I keep hearing nice things (really!) said about these programs.
If Jonathan had made them commercial I'm sure he'd have earned a
fortune by QL scene standards. But Jonathan believes strongly in
freeware/GNU etc etc, to his credit. I've used many of his programs
over the years, including wxqt2 which I use almost every day to
transfer between Windoze and QPC2 (use that rather than DOS device in
many cases just because wxqt2 translates the '.' and '_' separators in
filenames and the menu system in wxqt2 is simple and excellent!)

> There is a real virtue in simplicity from time to time.
Indeed. Of the programs I have written over the years, the simple ones
I consider fairly trivial (e.g. the little Sorter_Task program) are
the ones I get most feedback on, probably because they are so simple
you can fire them up and use them without reading any instructions
even if you ai't used them for ages.

Dilwyn Jones

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