In a message dated 11/06/02 09:58:45 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think that to start the ball rolling, we need someone to take on the reins of easyptr - bring this up to date and possibly enhance it to create the bare bones of a SuperBASIC procedures to call the menus at least and cater with standard functions in menus, similar to how Visual Basic on the PC does things.  This is surely not that a difficult task, as many users of the program will already have fairly standard PROCedures/FuNctions which they start of with...  I have a library of ones which I have were based on the original series in Quanta on how to program EasyPtr and I have used these to good effect to produce Q-Help, Q-Index and Q-Route fairly rapidly.

Anyone willing to take this on??

TurboPTR, available from the SQLUG website and from Dilwyn's, is intended to allow programmers to use SuperBASIC to write PE programs. This system also allows these programs to be compiled by Turbo, which considerably speeds them up.

I have had some useful feedback from Geoff Wicks but from few others (if any!). Anyone who has suggestions that can be implemented will probably find these incorporated in an update.

Will this produce a flood of ideas?

Incidentally I recently took a course in VB partly to see how similar it was to TurboPTR and found the latter much more modest though along the same lines as VB. Some of the VB possibilities have been added to TurboPTR already.

George Gwilt

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