On  Tue, 11 Jun 2002 at 04:55:56,  wrote:

>I agree with per that we desparately need new full blown applications,
>- Tarquin's web-browser and Jim's QdT are both heading in the right
>direction and I hope that they will soon be released, whether as
>commercial programs or public domain.  We do however, need to also
>encourage commercial development before the few software houses which
>remain (Mine, JMS, QCelt and QBranch are about the only ones left
>aren't they??) have to fold and cease to support the QL users that
>still exist.  I wonder if any of us can remember the last trading year
>we actually made a profit!!
... and that is a very sad fact, considering the software house has the
major advantage of their stock being low value (in materials).

If a software house is struggling, then what future for hardware?
I still stock all the products (bar Astracom and barcoder) I have ever
sold, but am finding it increasingly difficult justifying buying more
new parts.  Probably I won't be buying more RomDisq memory chips, as
they have a minimum order value of some £1500.
I haven't added up my stock value, but my guess is that it is more in
value than my turnover in the last 8 years.

Just one example is the Q40 - not only did I make a whopping cash loss,
but I still have maybe £300 worth of unused parts which seem no use to

         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
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       Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
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