Hi Roy
Nice to hear from you, just one little point here which I don't
think I missed. If D&D use SMSQ/E which you refer to in you other
email, that was sold with Q40, and abide by that license, nobody
would object. Yes.
I was concerned by a remark by Wolfgang to the effect that if a
copy of SMSQ/E was lost, like bread, a new copy had to be paid
for. OK(maybe), but as the old license stood you upgraded,
replaced, etc. We lost 2 complete systems to lightning last
month, luckily we managed to recover most things from other
machines, but if a 3rd machine had been on at the time that would
not have been possible.  Now, because of the new license I assume
we would have to repurchase SMSQ/E (OK). Which license would it
be under, old or new??

You stoutly deny revising SMSQ/E, I was talking about David
Gillhams revision of the code, you were the seller.
.Just putting record straight. nothing to do with money.




----- Original Message -----
From: "Roy Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

> >Do you mean that the many copies I have of SMSQ, if I don't
> >to be bound a new imposed license, are illegal. That can't
> >right, I have bought an item, and must surely be able to
> >using it, while still being entitled to expect it is repaired
> >updated under warranty, ( sale of goods acts)
> You miss the point here, Mike. All software bought before the
> licence started is and always will be legal. You can continue
to use it
> as you see fit. All sales post the new licence are covered by
it and
> anyone who supplies a copy of SMSQ/E for any platform has to be
> accredited reseller and pay TT his due.
> >> But, they are selling new versions now.
> >According to D&Ds post, the 'repair' was minor, to make the
> >able to be used for the purpose it was purchased. If the Grafs
> >have purchased a license to use SMSQ with Q40/60, then surely
> >they must get SMSQ/E that works with that platform, if not,
> >they have been sold something unsuitable for the purpose it
> >purchased.
> Again a new, patched or fixed version must originate Wolfgang
and him
> alone.  As the controlled of the code he will then pass it to
> resellers for distribution. Even to change the SMSQ/E string in
> config block would be a violation of the licence. No patch or
change is
> minor and all can have repercussions.
> --
> Roy Wood
> Q Branch, 20 Locks Hill Portslade. Sussex. BN41 2LB. UK
> Tel : +44 (0)1273 386030 Fax : +44 (0)1273 430501 (New number!)
> Mobile +44(0)7836 745501
> Web : www.qbranch.demon.co.uk

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