> > Dennis Smith states that "We have been producing the Q60 for over a
> year" > and "Licence money has been paid" - who was this licence money
> paid to? I > certainly did not get it.

> Jochen, and at year end you can have some more if I can find out what
> the starting date of this new licence is supposed to be.

NO, not by you, and not recently by Peter (as I said in the other mail the
few were bought early February and from then on only manuals without a

And anyway, you can't sell SMSQ/E without being a reseller and promise to
later. That's wrong, and this is why I keep on asking that you sort it out

This is all a total mess, and there are lots of logical mistakes e.g.
if Peter has asked where to pay the money to some time ago,
then there was awareness that the new scheme has become active.
And the starting date is irrelevant because there was a small
fixed figure of licenses pre-paid by Peter. Once you sold out these
licenses, everything else was either not paid for at all under the old
license (which would be wrong) or not paid under the new license
(which would also be wrong, as neither you nor Peter have become
So from whatever view you look at it, something seems always very wrong.

Please sort it out with Wolfgang. If I can be helpful to sort out the
figures (privately) to see what matches and what doesn't, I'm willing
to do so. Apart from this, you have to speak to Wolfgang.


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