On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Jochen Merz wrote:

> > A trader has the same right to sell an item they own as any private
> > individual.
> Indeed. Provided, he actually owns it at that time.
> But nobody questioned all this... :-)

Not even me. I think it is clear now that D&D is selling unlicensed
copies, and that they should make a gratious payment, and close the issue.
However, my point was more simple, that nobody has to be an official
reseller to sell SMSQ/E. They must merely own what they sell.

I would advise, however, that if buying SMSQ/E, you buy it from an
official reseller because they will have the knowledge, experience and
stamina to support you well into the future. A non-official reseller can
make no such guarantee.

Now that we've had two or three different problems with the license, and
Wolfgang has given various reassurances (which has been a positive
experience, Wolfgang!), maybe we can amend the license a little to make
these assurances explicit? It's november. Maybe we could make the
relatively minor changes and have SMSQ/E license v1.1 come into force on
January 1st?

I'm not looking at this as a way to squeeze more out of the license, but
merely to tidy up those parts that have alrerady been found ambiguous?

Maybe Wolfgang would like to submit the license to annual review, as the
situation will change over time?

Just some suggestions...


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