On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 23:41:37 +0200, Marcel Kilgus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Nobody is stopping anybody from releasing a piece of code under 2

That is not possible under any legal agreement. It's other one or the other especially for GPL style licenses as the premise is so different that it is impossible to do so.

QPC earnings have for a while cross-financed my other developments
from which all platforms (especially the Qx0) profited. Now they are
effectively down to 0, it has been on the market for over 8 years,
everybody who wanted it has it by now. You could see this Aurora thing
just as a rather desperate attempt to raise some funds to justify my
further involvement into the SMSQ/E development. I demand 15 EUR per
Aurora driver, which I think is a moderate price considered the time
spent on it (by the way, much of the work went into the part that
actually got back into the open SMSQ/E source tree. You'll be grateful
once you actually do the 16 colour driver, you won't have to invent
that wheel again). Only this week I spent a whole day fixing SMSQ/E
for SGC (the "QubIDE" problem which in the end wasn't related to
QubIDE at all) although it was not my code that was at fault. In fact
it was just luck that it ran most of the time at all.

Oh I do not argue all these points. As I said, it's a personal choice to do or to do not do something.
If for example (as my self) one maintains a QL related business for other reasons (It's a good tax break after all), profits really do not matter although I have made profits but not from SMSQ/E but QL related from eBay trading.... beside that though it's a nice distraction for me cooped up in the house all day.
That said, it's essential that we understand and respect everybody's choice. (You're repeating yourself! Move ON! -Ed.)
I made it clear on many occasions (and I will do it again) that I respect everybody's work... especially work of such high quality as yours.
And to be honest, especially you I do not believe that you are motivated by $$$ but by genuine appreciation of the platform. That has been demonstrated many many times by you to me personally and to the community at large.

That extends to other QLers I believe (including Peter) and in the final analysis, I think most of us are interested in the platform although our views differ and many times are even diametrically opposed. (ie. most people here seem to like the PE which I personally find terrible -at least now though it is pretty ;-) Still terrible however :-D -Just to bring a simple example-

In conclusion, free beer is nice, as long as you're not the publican.
At this point I'd like to thank the one person who actually gave a

Well I agree that Free beer is nice but having something *really* open source and free does not exclude the possibility of making money out of it! (See for example Linux distros)
I still believe that the license gap can be remedied, although apart from that I have other problems with the current SMSQ/E versions. The changes that I have in mind (and some of which I have implemented in "test tube" conditions, discarded or kept) break so much compatibility that it would be unacceptable from most users. (Not to mention that my idea of a GUI has nothing to do with the PE which in turn can "turn off" many users!

This just to clear things up regarding my motivation. I personally
would like to give everything away for free, but that doesn't pay my

Understandable and respected :-) I never doubted that anyway!

Well, Peter sells hardware, of course he wouldn't mind the software being totally free. I sell software, I wouldn't mind getting the hardware for free, but that usually doesn't happen either ;-) I think this pretty much sums it up.

Well I think it is a bit deeper than that but it's a acceptable view nonetheless.

Now just for the heck of it... isn't it so much nicer when we disagree in a civilised manner??? :-D

I do believe that at one point we will have to
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  • ... gwicks
    • ... Peter Graf
  • ... wlenerz
    • ... Fabrizio Diversi
      • ... Jerome Grimbert
        • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
          • ... John Taylor
            • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... wlenerz
          • ... Marcel Kilgus
            • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... pgraf
              • ... Marcel Kilgus
          • ... wlenerz
          • ... Tarquin Mills
        • ... Roy wood
  • ... Peter Graf

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