Michael T. Babcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 6 September 2000 at 10:43:28 
 > To help discussion:
 > -x-
 > How do I keep a copy of all incoming and outgoing mail messages?
 > Answer: Set QUEUE_EXTRA to "Tlog\0" and QUEUE_EXTRALEN to 5 in extra.h.
 > Recompile qmail. Put ./msg-log into ~alias/.qmail-log.
 > You can also use QUEUE_EXTRA to, e.g., record the Message-ID of every
 > message: run
 >      | awk '/^$/ { exit } /^[mM][eE][sS][sS][aA][gG][eE]-/ { print }'
 > from ~alias/.qmail-log.
 > -x-
 > This cannot be considered a good FAQ answer for beginners (and pointing that
 > out in the FAQ itself would be nice).  grep'ing for QUEUE_EXTRA in the
 > sources only gives:

Nothing about qmail is really suitable for beginners.  Being sysadmin
on a unix box is not for beginners, let alone changing out important
pieces of system software.  And it can't be made suitable for
beginners without also making it much less useful.

Alternatively, somebody could write a book that explained everything
an average windows user needs to become a competent sysadmin.  Problem
is, it would be a *big* book, and take quite a while to read
(understatement) and, even more, to understand.

 > -x-
 > BLURB3:*  optional logging of one-way hashes, entire contents, etc.
 > CHANGES:19961202 change: added FAQ entry on QUEUE_EXTRA.
 > CHANGES:19961129 change: added QUEUE_EXTRA, QUEUE_EXTRALEN.
 > extra.h:#define QUEUE_EXTRA ""
 > extra.h:#define QUEUE_EXTRALEN 0
 > FAQ:Answer: Set QUEUE_EXTRA to "Tlog\0" and QUEUE_EXTRALEN to 5 in extra.h.
 > FAQ:You can also use QUEUE_EXTRA to, e.g., record the Message-ID of every
 > qmail-queue.c: if (substdio_bput(&ssout,QUEUE_EXTRA,QUEUE_EXTRALEN) == -1)
 > die_write();
 > THOUGHTS:contents of the message? With QUEUE_EXTRA it'd be possible to
 > record a
 > -x-
 > Considering the only source references to it are extra.h's defining (or not)
 > of their values and qmail-queue's "write to this", anyone not wanting to
 > figure out qmail by the sources (which honestly, should not be necessary to
 > _use_ it) will not figure out how to use QMAIL_EXTRA or what it
 > accomplishes.

You don't need to figure it out, the FAQ says precisely what it does.
The key point is noticing that QUEUE_EXTRA equals log, and
~alias/.qmail-log controls the handling of the extra copy.  I'd have
written the FAQ slightly differently, and explicitly said that setting
QUEUE_EXTRA to Tfoobar\0 causes an extra copy of the message to be
queued for local user foobar; would that have helped?

 > What happens, from my understanding, is this delivers the message not only
 > to the intended recipient, but also to whoever/whatever is specified in the
 > ~alias/.qmail-log file.

Yes, that's what it says.  Easier to describe back one level, though
-- it delivers to local user log.  You can use users/assign, ~alias,
or create a real user.  Also ~alias/.qmail-default would get it (along
with other stuff).
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David Dyer-Bennet / Welcome to the future! / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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