At 10:01 AM -0800 11/29/00, Barley wrote:
>I want to second what was said here. The manuals are often inadequate for
>newbies. I never would have gotten qmail set up without the patient and
>generous help of those on this list. Thanks to everyone who helped me! I'm
>sure glad I wasn't raked over the coals like some of the recent posters.

At the risk of seeming to be on the side of the geek-elitist ilk on 
this list, I would like to say that while they don't go out of their 
way to say as such, the docs (both provided and those by other 
parties as listed on DO assume a certain level of 
knowledge about Linux/Unix as a whole, without which you undoubtedly 
will get lost.

I'm not exactly a Linux newbie, but I'm far from an 
expert/administrator.  I'm in that "knows enough to be dangerous" 
category.  :-)

In my self-studies of Linux I have come across lots of reading 
material.  Not a lot of it sticks with me, but I do so love the 
following quote and I think it says rather nicely what some of the 
dinks here don't seem to be able to articulate:

      Any system reference will require you to read it at least three 
times before you get a reasonable picture of what to do.  If you need 
to read it more than three times, then there is probably some other 
information that you really should be reading first.  If you are only 
reading a document once, then you are being too impatient with 
      It is very important to identify the exact terms that you fail 
to understand in a document.  Always try to back-trace to the precise 
word before you continue.
      It is usually cheaper and faster to read a document three times 
than to pay someone to train you.  Don't be lazy.
      Don't learn new things according to deadlines.  Your Unix 
knowledge is going to evolve by grace and fascination, not by 

I really love that.  (It's from RUTE User Tutorial and Exposition, 
available somewhere at  It is good advice that a good 
friend of mine is constantly drilling me with.  You won't learn 
anything if other people are always giving you the answers.

I installed qmail myself.  Without help from this list or anyone 
else.  But it was NOT easy (for me).  I read the docs.  All of them. 
Then I read them again.  Then I started.  And I STILL made mistakes. 
I read again.  I gradually found and corrected all my mistakes.  Now 
it works.  Yay for me.  But it was a lot of WORK.

But given that this was a scant two weeks ago, I'm deeply sympathetic 
to others experiencing the problems I had.  Maybe in a few 
weeks/months after tweaking and sitting on a happy system I'll turn 
into yet another callous asshole with better things to do with my 
life.  If I do, someone smack me.

Don't hate me for using the word "dink," :-D

    ^^^ <--- Off-line unless someone knows how to get camserv to
             compile under RedHat 7...  *sigh*  :-(

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