Am Donnerstag, 30. November 2000 21:55 schrieb Barley:
> You see, you, like Felix, are a rude person who
> enjoys trashing newbies. You were the first person to get incredibly nasty
> about newbies yesterday, then that joker this Felix character.
> It seem to me that you angry types form a vocal minority. Certainly, it has
> been a lot more friendly people who have helped me on this list. You people
> don't help anyone, but rather just mouth off and bolster your egos.

I expect that everyone asking us for free advice thinks about the problem 
himself, provides necessary infos, has read the docs and is polite. nothing 
more. If anybody want's more, he should pay for help.

> > > Ask a question, answer a question, or post nothing,
> >
> > And waste your time deleteting 10 follow-ups like "oh this list is so
> > impolite as nobody helps me".
> Better than having to delete those 10 messages plus 10 messages from angry
> egomaniacs like yourself, plus ten messages from people like me asking why
> you can't just act like an adult and treat people with respect. 

If only one of this stupid unable-to-read-the-documentation and 
unable-to-think nebies does not ask and decides to read again, it was worth 


Henning Brauer         |  BS Web Services
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