> I may be out of line here.

You are.
You post off-topic bullshit to a mailing list about qmail.

Oh, and you don't even have the decency to comply to the
well-established quoting standards when quoting email from others.

This is not a "I am willing to help dumb idiots" mailing list.
This is more of a self help mailing list.

You help yourself and when you have a problem that can not be answered
with the docs and search engines, THEN you can come here.

Or you can come here to read announcements for new software, new
documentation or new tricks regarding qmail.

But if you come here, post moronic questions, get beaten for it, and
then have the audacity to come back and whine publicly, then you are the
most pathetic creature on Earth and deserve to die slowly and painfully.
May the flies of a dozen dead camels' asses rest in your armpits!


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