* Bill Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010622 13:22]:
> Russell Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:

> >Then don't ask a public mailing list for help.  Instead, go to one of
> >the suppliers of commercial support.  How to know which is reliable?
> >Watch this mailing list, and see who's been around longest (has the
> >most established reputation to protect), and who supplies the most
> >clueful answers.

I'd buy your suport every day, Russel. And I mean it.

> Well put.  Very much in the spirit of user supported software...

May I kindly ask you to, like, get a life? Russel offers commercial
support. He's contributing here *A LOT*. You, on the other hand, are a
whining luser.

> Russ, I'm not saying they shouldn't give us the information needed to
> help them.  I'm just of the opinion we shouldn't jump down every
> newbie's throat just because they are a little over cautious.

What dictionary did you look cautious up in? Or are you referring to the
OP's overly cautious use of the recommended reading aka FAQ?

> Put yourself in their shoes.  

Eh. That's what alt.rec.suicide is for.

> Imagine walking up to an Automated Teller Machine and seeing a guy,
> presumably a maintenance worker, adjusting the electronics.  He says,
> "The card reader and pad aren't working.  Just give me your card and
> PIN number and I'll swipe it back here."

| Port       State       Service
| 21/tcp     open        ftp                     
| 22/tcp     open        ssh                     
| 23/tcp     open        telnet                  
| 25/tcp     open        smtp                    
| 79/tcp     open        finger                  
| 80/tcp     open        http                    
| 111/tcp    filtered    sunrpc                  
| 199/tcp    open        smux                    
| 443/tcp    open        https                   
| 512/tcp    open        exec                    
| 513/tcp    open        login                   
| 514/tcp    open        shell                   
| 515/tcp    open        printer                 
| 3306/tcp   open        mysql                   
| TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
|                          Difficulty=74755 (Worthy challenge)
| Remote operating system guess: BSDI BSD/OS 3.0-3.1 (or possibly MacOS, NetBSD)

Would you like me to tell you the programs and version numbers to go
along with that, too, Sir?

> Would YOU hand over your card?

https://mail.socha.net/about/ - happy cracking, luser. Do you need any
help running nmap?

> All he wants to do it help you, right?

Since putting them down is a non-op, yes.

> Think about it...

Talking to yourself a lot, eh?

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