Robin S. Socha writes:
 > I'd buy your support any day, Russel. And I mean it.

Once, just once I'd like to see people mis-spel my name as "Rusell".
Just once.  Why does anybody think that a trailing 'L' is optiona?
You don't ever see your name spelled "Robi Socha", do you?  Huh?
Betcha don't, do ya?  And it's not like my name wasn't properly quoted
inside the message you responded two.  And I don't want to hear any
guff about English not being your native language not being English.
This is not spelling, this is typing.  There it was in all its glory,
"Russell", with both of it's deserved, earned, highly-decorated, and
self-important L's.  If you're not up to the task of spelling Russell
today; if that's too many letters to type, you should feel free to
spell it "Russ".

 > OP's overly cautious use of the recommended reading aka FAQ?

And it's getting to the point where you don't even need
English-language skills.  We've got qmail documentation in Russian,
Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, German, and now French.
And except for the fact that all Indian computer techs can speak fluent
English, you'd see Hindi documentation as well.  Hrm.'s
Hindi page crashes Netscape.  That's okay, Netscape crashes just by
looking at it.  Um, say, did you know that the Hindi word for
"colocation" is "colocation"?

Note to Chinese qmail users: you've got a billion people living in
your country.  Surely one of them can write some Chinese-language
qmail documentation.  Get on it.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
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