That's good news, JP.

I'm presently looking at eGroupWare with the toaster. Paco's using eGroupware with the QMT and Dovecot. This combination has interesting potential.

There's nice groupware review here, although it's a little old (2yrs):,1593.html

eGroupware is very modular, so you can pick and choose the pieces you'd like to use. I think horde is the same way, but I'm not sure.

Perhaps we could package a replacement for squirrelmail-toaster with either or both of these at some point. It'd be nice to:
Pick one:
.) squirrelmail-toaster
.) horde-toaster
.) egroupware-toaster
That'll take some doing, I'm sure.

Thanks for your continuing contributions, JP.

Juan Pablo García wrote:
Hello guys,

Thank you all for your replies. This afternoon, I did a experiment, I
just ditched SquirrelMail, and started using Horde (manual
installation according to HowTo's and manuals, I did it as we need
some sort of groupware), and go figure... It works perfectly. We even
used IMAP for authentication (maybe, the next step would be
configuring it to use vpopmail MySQL tables). What's amazing about
this is that I didn't change any named configuration... And it worked
right out of the box.

Anyway, let's hope this works OK so far...

Now about the httpd issue: In our system (CentOS 5.3), I installed
Qmailtoaster 3 times, and everytime I had to edit httpd.conf: cut the
last two lines added by Qmailtoaster install script (the "Include"s)
and paste them under the Include "*.conf" line. If I left it as it
was, I wasn't able to access admin-toaster, or webmail. Just a minor
issue I had, and some enlightenment to anyone who gets the same

Thank you so much, I'll keep doing experiments and stuff, so I can
contribute a bit,

Juan Pablo García Hernández

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Eric Shubert<> wrote:
That's close. Try something more like:

; zone.datacenter
; dns zone for Datacenter
$ORIGIN datacenter.
$TTL     1D             ; Default TTL
@        IN     SOA  app hostmaster (
             200906012 ; serial
             8H        ; refresh
             4H        ; retry
             4W        ; expire
             1D )      ; Negative Cache TTL

@        IN   NS        app
@        IN   MX    10  app

ftp      IN   CNAME     app
www      IN   CNAME     app

; this is typically done in /etc/hosts, not dns
;localhost IN  A

db       IN    A
app      IN    A

Trying to write zone files from scratch is pretty tough. Once you have a
model to use, it's not so bad. ;)

Juan Pablo García wrote:
Well, I'm getting:
# host app.datacenter
Host app.datacenter not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

My mail server has for IP, a Database server has for IP
My zone file contains:
; zone.datacenter
; dns zone for Datacenter
$ORIGIN datacenter.
@     IN SOA   app hostmaster (
                       200906012 ; serial
                       8H        ; refresh
                       4H        ; retry
                       4W        ; expire
                       1D )      ; minimum
               NS      app
               MX      10 app

ftp             CNAME   app
www             CNAME   app

localhost               A

db                  A
app                 A

As I stated before, I can ping perfectly back and forth... I know this
isn't a Qmailtoaster issue anymore... But I would really like to set
this up.

Juan Pablo García Hernández

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Eric Shubert<> wrote:
Did you create an MX DNS record for your local domain?
The MX record points to a type A record.
If you do:
# host mylocaldomain
you should get back:
mylocaldomain has address xx.xx.xx.xx
mylocaldomain mail is handled by nn hostname.mylocaldomain
In this case, hostname.mylocaldomain corresponds to the type A record for
the server.

Juan Pablo García wrote:
Hello guys,

I just configured everything as indicated by Linux Cookbook, I can
ping using names, resolving perfectly.
However, I'm still getting the "511 sorry, can't find a valid MX for
sender domain (#5.1.1 - chkuser)" message whenever sending test mail
with Squirrelmail.
I don't really know what's going on with the server. Someone told me
to deactivate chkuser...
I'm still stuck.

Juan Pablo García Hernández

2009/6/30 Juan Pablo García <>:
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the prompt reply.
Well, I have read everything you said, and thank God I found a copy of
"Linux Cookbook" in my local library. Such a nice book, by the way,
(even if I have to return it tomorrow).
I'll be trying the DNS approach described in the book tomorrow. Let's
hope it solves everything (but I have to reinstall CentOS by the way,
just to be on the safe side).
Also, I created the domain with vadddomain (remarked in step by step
Wiki Installation article). I haven't checked the rcpthosts and
virtualdomains files, so I'm not sure (and my VPN connection is
failing awfully).

Anyway, thanks for your help. I'll be updating you about my findings,
and I'm going to document the problem I had with httpd.conf, as I find
it quite interesting: if I left the Include "squirrelmail.conf" and
Include "qmail.conf" lines in the end of the file (as the automated
scripts do), Apache HTTPD doesn't recognize any of the aliases
declared there. I have to cut and paste them under the Include
"*.conf" line.

By the way, the wiki is such a life saver... I almost blocked access
to our local Apache Tomcat server by leaving uncommented.

Thank you all,

Juan Pablo García Hernández

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Eric Shubert<> wrote:
Juan Pablo García wrote:

I'm new to the list and new to Qmailtoaster, so, I'm sorry if I seem
We recently bought a new server in my company for our database
services, and the old one was laying there gathering dust. We decided
to use it for some interesting services we have always considered,
including Intranet mail and web services.
We have CentOS 5.3, and we were ready to start. I followed the video
tutorial (excellent idea, by the way), step by step. As we wanted a
real Intranet mail server (no external mail send or receive access,
only for internal messaging needs), I just left everything by default
(hostname: APPSERVICES, manual IP config, no DMZ on routers
I installed everything and after some tweaks I had to do (mainly in
httpd.conf, squirrelmail.conf and toaster.conf includes didn't work
for me, I had to rearrange the lines in the conf), everything went
down hill.
First of all, when I tried sending myself (datasys...@ a
test message (using squirrelmail), first I got something like "sorry,
sender email format invalid", so I thought that I had blew it and I
reinstalled everything (even CentOS) and then now I'm getting "511
sorry, can't find a valid MX for sender domain (#5.1.1 - chkuser)".

I think it has something to do with DNS, however, I'm dead clueless
about how to configure DNS... What's worst is that I need to install
DNS after this (so that the users can send mail without using the IP
address: instead of datasys...@, they could just write
datasys...@appservices - remember, we don't want any external (gmail,
hotmail, and so on) mail access).

Thank you so much for your time, and sorry if I seem so lost,

Juan Pablo Garcia Hernandez

You know, now that I think about it a bit, why does the toaster insist
on a
valid MX record for local domans? It shouldn't really need it. Does
domain in question exist in /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts and
/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains ?

How did you create the domains, with /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain or
vqadmin? vqadmin unfortunately is broken, so you might want to try
the domain and recreating it with the CLI vadddomain command. Not sure
that will fix you up or not though.

-Eric 'shubes'

-Eric 'shubes'

-Eric 'shubes'

-Eric 'shubes'

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