No unman, please get off my case on this.

You misrepresent my intention totally, and ate responding without showing
signs of having read the material I pointed you to.

My *original* original post on this subject, which I pointed you to, asked
whether that expectation was reasonable, and awokd said that it usually
does work.

In that thread, xao pointed me to a list of packages relevant to minimal
templates, and suggested I used that to guide me.

My first post in this thread tried to pass that information on to other
people, as it seemed relevant.  That earlier thread also pointed to issue
#5123, which if you read the first post of that issue, starts from the
assertion that it seems I'm not the only Qubes user to come with that

You say:

> I think your expectation is misplaced - ...

Then please explain exactly why issue #5123, which I also pointed you to
and which you also do not seem to have read, has adjusted the contents of
the Debian template to meet the fact that (according to the first post in
that issue) seems to be a common expectation.

> ... they are different distros, ...

They are actually both parts of the Qubes distro here, installed by either
the Qubes installer or from the Qubes repo -- their history from other
distros is irrelevant. And yes, when you install a real Debian you get
promoted for firmware. When you install the Qubes template you get no such

Indeed, you install the Debian template using DNF not apt, because the
Qubes system regards it as software for Dom0.

> Your original post seemed to suggest that the Debian template didn't come
> with packages required to act as sys-XXX - this isn't true.

This is true.

Please stop denying that fact. It doesn't work before I followed xao's
advice, it does work after. Therefore at least one of those packages was
essential. And every one of the other packages added by #5123 will be
essential for some other users: that's why they are there.

Clearly a sys net Qube needs a working firmware *for* *the* *computer*
*it's* *on*, not just for some other hardware. End of.

That's why #5123 was accepted, because it fixed exactly this problem (or
certainly attempted to).

> It *may* lack
> packages required for some hardware -

???? May ????

It does lack them. Please stop undermining the facts. I told you that
installing them made it work. Do you not believe me????????

> just install them.

Exactly so.

That's exactly why it is helpful that xao pointed me to a list in the docs.
That's exactly why it's helpful for me to pass that advice on to others,
until such time as the "fully firmwared" Debian template becomes the norm
(as Chris pointed out in the earlier thread). That's exactly why it is
profoundly unhelpful for you to undermine that sounds advice.

> (The same is
> true for the Fedora templates)

Er no.

If a Fedora template didn't work it would be reported as a bug as soon as
the first user found they couldn't update through sys-net. And would be
acknowledged as a bug without all this prevarication, and it would not get
out of the rc1 stage, if it even got that far.

The reason the Debian one slips through the net is that it is not critical
in that sense. People can (and according to #5123 actually have) given up
on the Debian templates for sys-net due to this issue.

Whatever you think, the ppl who maintain the Qubes system accepted that as
an issue and believe it to be fixed by adding those firmware files. I'm
simply reporting that back.

But believe what you like.

This exchange is now closed as far as I am concerned.

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